Upskilling Language Instructors for Online Teaching

The Electrolengua project aims to upskill language teachers to digital education through peer-led guidance by teachers who are active in this mode of teaching in order for them to make the transition from offline to online teaching as easy as possible; this will go some way to safeguard their livelihoods so they are able to continue to provide quality teaching to their students.


Equip and educate educators without formal qualifications how to use their talents, skills abilities in order to increase their chances for development in their life and work field for a secure future through online teaching.

Provide the ability for teachers that have a caregiving role in their family to undertake a peer-led course based on their needs while also encourage networking with other language teachers among Europe.

Provide skills for teachers to teach online but also include teachers who teach language lessons in physical schools, online institutions and independently.

Enhance online employment opportunities for language teachers while decreasing age-based discrimination through the provision of accessible employment routes and the creation of job opportunities for migrants teaching aid/NGO support workers.


Direct Target
  • Langauge teachers
  • Certified language teachers employed in language school, teaching privately or volunteering
  • Informal language teachers (without certification) teaching privately
  • Informal language teachers (without certification) teaching voluntarily
Indirect Target
  • Language learners across the EU


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them